Monday, March 8, 2010
Lesson Learned
I've learned many lessons in my life, but the one that has stuck with me through almost anything, is don't smoke. My mom is a current smoker, both my grandma and great grandma, and my nanny were smokers. My grandma and great grandma quit, many years ago, but my nanny wasn't so lucky she died. Her lungs were so messed up from the cigarettes, that she died at the age of 63. I don't remember her much but when my mom warns me about smoking risks, she uses herself and my nanny as an example. Most people would call my mom a hypocrite, because, she tells me not to smoke and then she goes and smokes, but she isn't to me she is trying to keep me from making the same mistake that she did. She is addicted to them and it is really hard for her to stop, she wants my lungs to be clean and healthy, and I respect her for taking the time to tell me risks and things that cigarets could do to me. I am 15 years old and I will admit I have tried to smoke and I will never try again, it's sickening and I just feel nasty and sick. A lot people I know smoke, and they ask if I want one, I look at them and say no. And when I grow up and have kids, i'll express that I do not want them to smoke and hopefully they listen to me. My mom, and my family has taught me a good lesson on not smoking and i'm going to stick with it.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Comma What?
My father had left our house in the midst of a fight between Lindsey ,and my mother. My mother was trying to get Lindsey to go with her to the Y ,to swim. Without thinking Lindsey had blared, "I'd rather die!" at the top of her lungs. My father watched as my mother froze ,then burst fleeing to their bedroom to wail behind the door. He quietly tucked his notebook in his jacket pocket ,took the car keys off the hook by the back door ,and snuck out.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Literary Elements 3
SATIRE - a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn

IRONY - a pretense of ignorance and of willingness captions conspicuous by adroit questioning
ANALOGY - inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects

FORESHADOWING - to represent or indicate beforehand
Thursday, January 7, 2010
FIGURE OF SPEECH - is a use of a word that diverges from its normal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it such as a metaphor, simile, or personification.
IMAGERY - visually descriptive or figurative language
TROPE - a figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression
The are in common because they all talk about; the way people talk and use words to express themselves.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Story Spinner: Option 2

The long scar just below her left knee was showing when the bus arrived to take her to the museum. She began to think about the day the scar was created; she was home on a warm summers day and decided to get a fresh bouquet of roses for her table. In her yard it was surrounded by beautiful plants, but her favorite were her rose bushes that she spends most of her time tending to. She was picking the white, red, and yellow roses since those were her favorites. She looked around for one more red one and she saw the biggest, and most beautiful red rose she had to step into the bush to get it, she picked the rose and stepped back and a thorn from the bush had caught her knee and it jerked out as she stepped back. She let out a yelp, and looked at the blood trickling down her leg. She snapped out of her flashback and realized that she had missed the museum so she decided to start on her other plans which included going to the market, turning in her credentials into the college she was attending, and going to work that night.
While in the market she heard a baby screaming and decided to investigate the loud noise, when she rounded the corner there was a baby and a immature child sitting in the shopping cart hitting the baby. But there was no mother around so she wheeled the cart to the front and told the owner that she found two unattended kids, they paged for someone to get them but no one came until a mother came running into the store with her wallet. She explained that she forgot her wallet in the car and had to go get it and she thought the kids would be ok in the basket.
Later that day she went to drop off the credentials and she stopped at her favorite coffee shop to get a coffee, and when she got to the college she was so tired because it took to busses to get there from were she was so she got a soda to drink so she could be a little awake for work that night, but she was so tired that she spilled her soda all over her credentials, and you really had to squint to see the writing. She was so mad it took her two days to fill all of the papers out and she only had two hours till her dead line. She decided to get as much of it done that she could, two hours later a lady called her in saying that the professor was ready to see her she had one more page to fill out. She asked, "how long do I have for this meeting." The secretary said, "thirty minutes." she thought that was plenty of time to get that one page done. When she finally finished and walked in to see the professor he first mentioned that she didn't have to turn her credentials till she started class. She was so relieved to hear that but also frustrated because she had to rush to get it all redone.
After she went to the college she called her work she could not come in today and they said it was ok, they had a substitute they could put in. She went home and cleaned up from her busy day and went to bed in her house of roses.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My Bucket List
1. Finish my bucket list
2. Finish College
3. Have a successful career
4. Raise a healthy family
5. Get closer to God
6. Go around the world in 2 years
7. Explore the Amazon
8. Go to a church camp and help run it and teach kids about God
9. Teach God's word when he leads me to
10. Mend the relationship with my parents
11. Make my parents proud of me
12. Find a man that cares for me for the rest of my life
13. Visit my papaw in the cemetery and sit with him
14. Help those in need if they need help
15. Take a exotic cruse
16. Go hunting in africa
17. Go hunting for exotic animals
18. Go deep sea fishing
19. Go deep sea diving
20. experience life through all the hardships
21. Meet Justin Bieber
22. Meet George Bush
23. Be on the Amazing Race
24. Write a book for kids
25. Go to Jamaica
26. Go to Chile
27. Have the Perfect White Wedding
28. Make all A's on at least one report card
29. See the Mona Lisa
30. Be a art Major in AI college in Dallas
31. Go to Wayland Baptist in Plainview
32. Bail Juan out of Jail
33. Learn how to speak spanish fluently
34. Learn Latin
35. Go to Japan
36. Go to California
37. Fly A plane
38. Own vintage cars
39. Climb Mt. Everest and survive
40. Die in peace and not painfully
Thursday, September 10, 2009
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