

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Bucket List

1. Finish my bucket list
2. Finish College
3. Have a successful career
4. Raise a healthy family
5. Get closer to God
6. Go around the world in 2 years
7. Explore the Amazon
8. Go to a church camp and help run it and teach kids about God
9. Teach God's word when he leads me to
10. Mend the relationship with my parents
11. Make my parents proud of me
12. Find a man that cares for me for the rest of my life
13. Visit my papaw in the cemetery and sit with him
14. Help those in need if they need help
15. Take a exotic cruse
16. Go hunting in africa
17. Go hunting for exotic animals
18. Go deep sea fishing
19. Go deep sea diving
20. experience life through all the hardships
21. Meet Justin Bieber
22. Meet George Bush
23. Be on the Amazing Race
24. Write a book for kids
25. Go to Jamaica
26. Go to Chile
27. Have the Perfect White Wedding
28. Make all A's on at least one report card
29. See the Mona Lisa
30. Be a art Major in AI college in Dallas
31. Go to Wayland Baptist in Plainview
32. Bail Juan out of Jail
33. Learn how to speak spanish fluently
34. Learn Latin
35. Go to Japan
36. Go to California
37. Fly A plane
38. Own vintage cars
39. Climb Mt. Everest and survive
40. Die in peace and not painfully